Frequently asked Questions
In a study of nearly one hundred people who took a psychedelic and were guided in a similar way as to the approach of Awayk, 78 percent reported “It was the greatest experience of my life” This response was true even for those people who had taken psychedelics many times before. Psilocybin creates an overall increase in openness, connectedness (to oneself, others and the natural world) and in functional and structural neuro-plasticity. This means that it can help break or change patterns to enable self-growth. Psilocybin can also help to accept, rather than avoid, repressed emotions. Participants usually report heightened clarity of the mind and renewed confidence about their values and priorities. They have new or enhanced insights into the meaning of life and often express a sense of exhilaration, insight, and strengthened connection to others, as well as a richer sense of their relationship with nature. In safe and supportive environments, these effects typically induce a state of wonder, conceptual frame shift, expanded capacity for love, and an intensified sense of connection.
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A psychedelic journey can be full of wonder, feelings of love and connectedness of even oneness, but when travelling through the roams of your subconscious you might very well encounter fears and other hidden or suppressed emotions. Struggling with these parts is often called a “bad trip”. But, these parts are often the reason you choose for this adventure in the first place. Behind these parts you often find the deepest insights. Again, as Joseph Campbell phrases it perfectly: "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek".

Part of your preparation is teaching you ways to actually lean into these parts and approach them with curiosity. Furthermore, “set and setting” is the most important determinant of the contents of psychedelic experiences. The set being anything related to the internal state of a person, including personality, preparation for the experience, intention, as well as ‘‘mood, expectations, fears, wishes’’. Setting is anything related to the environment in which the experience takes place. Regarding both, we offer the very best. Our complete program is designed to make you comfortable and zen in both your mind (set) and your body (setting). During the experience we are there to guide you through any challenging situation you might face. We will be there every step of the way.
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AwayK does not offer any therapy. Our main goal is to let you experience the deepest and most truthful personal insights to fuel self-growth or self-actualisation. But do not worry if you have a restless mind or traumas to solve. We offer the experience in a safe and compassionate place surrounded by nature. With an extended preparation and integration based on the best therapeutic practices in the field, we create the perfect and comfortable set and setting to explore your own mind fully at ease.
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Psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic truffles and paddo’s) is proven to be (one of) the least harmful drugs discovered up to today. Psilocybin is not addictive and there are no known reports of overdoses. Still, we hold a strict protocol on age, trauma history, drug use (prescribed and for pleasure) and (mental) fitness.

(Mental) fitness
Psychedelics can induce psychotic reactions in those who are struggling or have a family history with mental health disorders. We love to find other ways to explore the mind for those who have been diagnosed or have a family history (bloodline) with schizophrenia or another mental health condition, such as Bipolar Disorder (I or II), clinical depression, PTSD, etc.

Second, you must be in good health with no heart condition or high blood pressure. Although psilocybin is low in toxicity, an increase in blood pressure has been reported in various studies.

Everybody has trauma and one sure way to face them is by using psychedelics. The experience can sometimes be frightening, but as Joseph Campbell put it: "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek". This is very true of the psychedelic experience. The participant must be willing to face their own traumas and shadow, and this is not always easy. Together you will explore these (hidden) trauma’s in our preparation sessions with our guidance. At any time, we can put the program on a hold if one of us believes a trauma might be too big to handle at this moment. We can always seek external advice from befriended experienced (psycho)therapists with knowledge of psychedelics.

Drug use
At least a week before the experience we advise to not use any mind altering substances (alcohol, weed, illegal drugs or prescription drugs) and even lower the caffeine intake as much as possible. If you’re using prescription anti-depressants, you can’t have the experience with us for safety reasons. The use of psychopharmacological drugs like SSRI antidepressants can interfere with the Serotonergic system and influence the effects of Psilocybin.

Everybody above the age of 24 is very welcome. Truffles are legal in The Netherlands from the age of 18 but at this age the brain is still flexible and very much developing. We set the age at 24 because we believe there is more to gain at this age.

We use these protocols to make the best choice with you, whether this is the right moment for this experience for you. When in doubt we ask advice from befriended experienced (psycho)therapists with knowledge of psychedelics.
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After ingestion, our body converts psilocybin, a natural component in magic truffles, into psilocin, which fits exactly into the Serotonin receptors in our brain and is responsible for inducing the psychedelic state. Its molecular structure fits remarkably well into one specific Serotonin receptor (5HT2A) – like a key in a lock. Serotonin, like Dopamine, is a neurotransmitter. Serotonin practically controls all human behavioural processes and plays a dominant role in the Central Nervous System.

Several studies have conclusively shown that Psilocybin fosters greater connections between different regions of the brain, creating new pathways, different ways of thinking. Improving general wellbeing and inducing neuro-plasticity. Opening a window for positive change and transformation.
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Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic truffles and magic mushrooms, is proven to be (one of) the least harmful drugs discovered up to today. Risks of long lasting negative effects are minimal. To eliminate possible risks, we use a strict selection protocol, selecting on age, drug use (prescribed and pleasure), trauma history and (mental) fitness. See the question “What are the conditions to embark on this adventure?“ for more information.
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The first exploratory conversations are free of charge and there is always a possibility to stop even if that is half-way through the process. When you are in doubt please just consult with us and we might change the planning, put it to a temporary hold or stop it all together. We’ll charge you a fair rate for our efforts thus far, and the door will stay open to finish the program whenever the time ís right for you.
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Both the truffles and paddo’s contain Psilocybin and are fungi. Whereas the paddo is fruiting above ground, the truffle remains underground. Both are used by the fungi to reproduce. This makes that there is hardly any difference in their compounds or effects on humans. In December of 2008 the paddo became illegal in The Netherlands, yet the truffle remained legal.
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During the one-on-one moments there won’t be a health professional present. Our selection protocol and programs are put together in collaboration with health specialists. They are part of our team and support us with all medical advice and support whenever we need it.

We recommend doing your own research as well and to consult more sources of information.
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