July 18, 2024
Pieter Schlooz

Everything about an Ayahuasca Retreat

Discover the transformative power of Ayahuasca during an Ayahuasca retreat, a sacred brew with deep roots in the Amazonian tradition, now sought after by many around the world for its unparalleled potential to heal and enlighten. Looking to delve into the mystique of an Ayahuasca retreat? Interested in uncovering its history, effects, and the profound experiences it can evoke?

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca, known as the vine of the soul, is a sacred brew with centuries-old roots in the Amazon rainforest, traditionally used by indigenous tribes for spiritual and healing ceremonies. Its name, combining Quechua words for spirit and vine, hints at its revered role as a spiritual connector. While the precise origins of Ayahuasca retreats are lost to history, evidence of its use dates back thousands of years, with archaeological finds suggesting its significance in ancient rituals (1).In the mid-20th century, Ayahuasca retreats embarked on a journey beyond the Amazon, spurred by Western interest in psychedelics. This cultural exchange ushered Ayahuasca onto the global stage, captivating audiences worldwide. Today, it's recognized not only for its spiritual benefits but also for its potential in psychotherapy, treating conditions like depression and PTSD (2). Despite varying legal statuses worldwide, Ayahuasca retreats continue to attract those seeking healing and spiritual insight, embodying a bridge between ancient traditions and modern therapeutic practices.

Why Ayahuasca?

People are drawn to Ayahuasca retreats for various reasons—spiritual exploration, emotional healing, or simply the quest for a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. 

Ayahuasca is renowned for its ability to dissolve the ego, enabling a profound connection with the subconscious. This process allows individuals to step beyond their normal self-awareness, accessing insights and emotions usually hidden. Such experiences are crucial for understanding and transforming behaviours, thought patterns, and emotional responses. 

Ayahuasca offers a journey that can profoundly impact one's perspective, uncovering insights and facilitating healing that many find transformative and can lead to significant, lasting changes in one’s life, fostering a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. Research also points to Ayahuasca's potential in promoting neuroplasticity, suggesting it can help forge new neural pathways, making it particularly interesting for treating conditions like depression and PTSD (2;3). In summary, Ayahuasca's value lies in its profound capacity to initiate deep, transformative shifts in how one perceive themselves and the world around them.

How Long Does Ayahuasca Last?

An experience during an Ayahuasca retreat can vary greatly, with ceremonies typically spanning between 4 to 8 hours. However, it's important to note that during a psychedelic journey, the perception of time can become highly relative, with moments feeling like they stretch far beyond the clock's measure. This altered perception of time deepens the intensity and impact of the experience, allowing for profound introspection and emotional exploration. The journey, therefore, transcends the mere duration of its effects, often having a lasting impact on one's life. I would describe my own experience and that of other participants as pivotal in fostering transformative shifts that extend far beyond the time spent under the influence of the brew. It had the ability to reveal what was hidden and enable me to navigate through these sometimes challenging emotions. Being shown to me in many colors and geometric symbols, dreamlike visions, and bodily feelings. In moments there was the feeling of all-knowing, understanding the whole without the words. 

The journey, however, is not just about the duration of the effects but the long-lasting impact it has on my and many others' lives, often described as opening a new chapter in personal growth and understanding.

What is Ayahuasca Made Of?

Ayahuasca's transformative power comes from a carefully crafted mix of two primary ingredients. The first is the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, abundant in harmala alkaloids like harmine and harmaline, which act as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). These MAOIs are pivotal, preventing the breakdown of certain neurotransmitters, thereby setting the stage for the brew's psychoactive effects.

The second key component is the leaves of the Psychotria viridis plant, containing N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a potent psychedelic compound. Under normal circumstances, DMT would be neutralized by enzymes in the digestive system, but the MAOIs from the vine inhibit these enzymes, allowing the DMT to enter the bloodstream and reach the brain, where it induces intense visionary states.

Creating Ayahuasca involves boiling these ingredients together for hours, if not days, to extract the active substances. This process is a testament to the sophisticated understanding indigenous peoples have of the Amazon's flora. The resulting brew is more than just a mixture of plant extracts; it's a carefully balanced concoction that has been refined over generations to unlock profound experiences of insight and connection.

What is an Ayahuasca Retreat?

Ayahuasca retreats typically operate in a group setting with multiple guides, accommodating anywhere from six to over twenty participants. These retreats follow a structured format that begins with participants arriving, getting acquainted, and then engaging in the first ceremony. Due to the varying durations of individual experiences, reflections and discussions about these experiences usually take place the following morning.

The second day often features a morning activity, such as yoga or meditation, followed by breakfast and a sharing session. The afternoon might offer free time or scheduled mindful activities like breathwork, additional yoga, or group meditation. The third day is centered around another ceremony, mirroring the structure of the first. The final day usually includes a sharing session and a communal closing activity, such as a lunch, hike, or swimming.

The length of Ayahuasca retreats can vary significantly, from weekend retreats to longer stays exceeding multiple weeks, with ceremonies typically held every other day or even every day. It's been observed that preparation and integration are crucial aspects often missing in these ceremonies. Given the profound impact of the experiences, both are essential for a meaningful and safe journey.

What Happens at an Ayahuasca Retreat?

Ayahuasca retreats often commence with a brief ritual in which participants light a candle and vocalize their intentions. Following the consumption of the Ayahuasca brew, participants retire to their prepared spaces to begin their journey. The experience can be quite physical; a bucket is placed beside each bed for vomiting, symbolizing the purging of negative energies. Temporary non-entheogenic effects of Ayahuasca, such as tremors, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, are primarily caused by the harmala alkaloids in the brew.

The entheogenic experience itself is unparalleled. Despite individual differences, commonalities emerge, such as interactions with an entity—often referred to as "Mother Aya"—that imparts wisdom and guidance. While nausea can be unpleasant, purging is frequently described as relieving, deepening the psychedelic experience. Ayahuasca visuals are often characterized by vibrant, geometric patterns. Participants may confront fears and experience feelings of completeness and ultimate satisfaction. As the effects diminish and time perception normalizes, a relaxed state typically ensues. Since experiences vary in duration, organized sharing sessions are usually held the day after to discuss these profound journeys. 

Interestingly enough, Ayahuasca and Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) share many similar effects. One difference is that Psilocybin is often accompanied by less struggle and is without the vomiting that is so common with Ayahuasca. We have elaborated on this comparison in more detail in a future blog. The programs at Awayk are based on science and place great emphasis on set and setting, mutual trust, preparation, and guided integration of insights into daily life.

Further Reading

Expand Your Understanding of Ayahuasca

Diving deeper into the world of Ayahuasca can broaden your perspective and enrich your knowledge on this complex topic. Here’s a condensed guide to further reading, listening, and watching resources that will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Ayahuasca's cultural, spiritual, and therapeutic dimensions.

Reading Recommendation:

- "The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge" by Jeremy Narby. This book offers an intriguing exploration of the intersections between indigenous Amazonian shamanism and modern science. Narby's research sheds light on the potential origins of knowledge within the DNA of all living things, providing an insightful backdrop to the understanding of Ayahuasca's profound effects on consciousness.

Listening Suggestion:

- The Third Wave Podcast. Specifically, look for episodes featuring guests discussing Ayahuasca. This podcast delves into the responsible use of psychedelics for personal and cultural transformation. Episodes featuring Ayahuasca provide firsthand accounts, scientific insights, and explorations into its therapeutic potential, offering listeners a well-rounded view of Ayahuasca's place in modern society.

Watching Recommendation:

- "The Reality of Truth." This documentary film explores the rich tapestry of spiritual traditions around the world, with a significant focus on Ayahuasca. It examines how altered states of consciousness, achieved through practices like meditation and the use of Ayahuasca, can lead to profound insights and healing. Featuring interviews with thought leaders and practitioners, it’s a visually engaging way to understand the transformative power of Ayahuasca.

Each of these resources approaches Ayahuasca from a different angle, providing a well-rounded foundation for anyone interested in learning more about this sacred brew. Whether you're drawn to the scientific, spiritual, or therapeutic aspects, you'll find valuable insights to deepen your understanding and appreciation of Ayahuasca's place in the world.


  1. Malcolm BJ, Lee KC. Ayahuasca: An ancient sacrament for treatment of contemporary psychiatric illness? Ment Health Clin. 2018 Mar 23;7(1):39-45. doi: 10.9740/mhc.2017.01.039. PMID: 29955496; PMCID: PMC6007657.
  2. Gonçalves J, Luís Â, Gallardo E, Duarte AP. A Systematic Review on the Therapeutic Effects of Ayahuasca. Plants (Basel). 2023 Jul 7;12(13):2573. doi: 10.3390/plants12132573. PMID: 37447135; PMCID: PMC10346174.
  3. de Vos CMH, Mason NL, Kuypers KPC. Psychedelics and Neuroplasticity: A Systematic Review Unraveling the Biological Underpinnings of Psychedelics. Front Psychiatry. 2021 Sep 10;12:724606. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.724606. PMID: 34566723; PMCID: PMC8461007.

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