July 3, 2024
Pieter Schlooz

Truffle Ceremonies for Healthy Individuals

At Awayk, we focus on creating benefits for healthy individuals. Historically, most research has focused on those with mental illnesses such as depression. However, by now, there is significant proof of the tremendous potential for enhancing the well-being of healthy individuals as well. Sam Gandy and his team have thoroughly assembled and analysed numerous credible studies in their literature review article, effectively substantiating these findings (Gandy, 2019). 

The key takeaways: 

  • One study found that two months after a high-dose psilocybin experience, 67% of the participants (who were well-educated and healthy) rated it the single most meaningful experience of their lives or among the top five most meaningful experiences of their lives (Griffiths et al., 2006).
  • In another study conducted on healthy, psychedelic-naive subjects, high-dose psilocybin sessions resulted in sustained positive changes in attitudes, mood, and behaviour. At 14 months after dosing, ratings were undiminished, with 94% of study volunteers stating that their well-being or life satisfaction had increased (Griffiths et al., 2011). 
  • It leads to a long-term increase in positive personality traits; at 14 months after dosing, openness remains significantly elevated. This is significant, as openness was believed to be fixed by the age of 30 years and to decline with age. Openness is correlated with a number of cognitive abilities, such as an appreciation for new experiences and aesthetics, creativity, imagination, hunger for knowledge, and broad-minded tolerance of the viewpoints and values of others (MacLean et al., 2011). 
  • And results are not limited to 14 months. Another study revealed that 24 and 27 years after the fact, most of those who received psilocybin felt a continued benefit from their participation (Doblin, 1991). 

The above shows how valuable a psychedelic experience can be for any individual, not just those suffering from mental illness. There is a lot to gain for those who simply seek to increase their overall well-being further. Psychedelics can expand consciousness, stimulate creativity, and promote personal growth. They facilitate profound self-reflection and lead to enhanced self-awareness and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. 

At Awayk, we focus on maximising this potential. We have a one-on-one approach which entirely revolves around you. The journey, which includes proper preparation and integration, is fully tailored to who you are and what you are looking for. All so that you get the absolute most out of it. 

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