Get the most out of life

Unlock your full growth potential

- Shed patterns that are not serving you -

- Increase your awareness and presence -

- Be the best leader you can be -

- Achieve holistic success -

- Explore what spirituality means to you -

- Spend less time ‘in your head’ and reconnect with your feelings -

- Live free -

- Cultivate greater empathy and stronger connections -

- Heal past trauma -

- Discover profound happiness -

Our promise to you


Every individual is one-of-a-kind. And so are our retreats - no two are the same. Every single aspect of the journey, big and small, is tailored around your context and needs. This is the way to meaningful insights.

  • In the area of self-discovery, one size does not fit all. Every person's journey is distinct, reflecting their individual context, experiences, beliefs, and aspirations. We embrace this diversity and enjoy to finetune each element of your journey, from the exercises you engage in to the topics of discussion, ensuring they resonate deeply with who you are and what you seek. The exercises are not generic but are chosen to align with your life's narrative, encouraging insights that are not only profound but also relevant and actionable. The conversations are not scripted; they evolve organically, guided by your unique perspectives and experiences.

    This tailored approach ensures that your retreat experience is not just a getaway, but a deeply personal exploration. It's a journey that is meaningful, engaging, and perfectly aligned with your unique path. Every detail is considered to support and enhance your discovery, making your time with us a truly one-of-a-kind experience.


Your experienced guide is dedicated to you throughout the entire program. We invest plenty of time to cultivate a trusting relationship. And we arm you with the tools to navigate the experience with confidence and curiosity.

  • Like many therapists and psychologists, we as guides and founders (Maarten and Pieter) have engaged in deep self-work and have followed extensive training in both psychology and guiding psychedelic experiences. This, combined with our personal experiences navigating psychedelic journeys, forms the backbone of our approach. We use this depth of understanding to assist you in setting clear intentions for your experience and to create a safe, supportive environment where you can freely explore your inner world.

    Our program is meticulously designed to prepare you optimally for the psychedelic experience. From the outset, everything is aimed at equipping you with the best context and mindset, ensuring you can gain the deepest insights. Our approach is not just about facilitating the experience itself; it's about laying the groundwork for meaningful exploration and reflection.

    After the psychedelic journey, we remain committed to your process. We're there to help you make sense of your insights and to integrate them into your daily life in a way that's meaningful and transformative. We provide ongoing support, guidance, and feedback, from the very first day until you feel that the integration process is complete.

    We keep our company intentionally small to maintain the highest quality of service. This allows us to ensure that every journey, guided personally by either Maarten or Pieter, receives the attention and care it deserves. By being intimately involved in each retreat, we can guarantee a level of personalization and understanding that is crucial for a transformative psychedelic experience.

    In this intimate setting, our role transcends that of a guide; we become partners in your journey of self-discovery, offering a level of support and insight that is deeply personal and profoundly impactful. Our commitment is to your entire journey, ensuring that every step, from preparation to integration, is taken with care, purpose, and a deep understanding of the transformative power of psychedelics.

Sustainable growth

Change is not always easy, so if you do, do it right once. We focus on creating long-term transformation, not just short-term experiences. We emphasize in-depth preparation and careful integration, essential for sustainable personal growth. All in flow, at your own pace.

  • Our preparation phase equally prioritizes three key areas: building trust, setting a clear intention, and providing the necessary tools and mindset. Establishing trust is crucial, creating a safe and receptive space for your journey. This foundation allows for a more profound and open exploration of your experience.

    We also engage in meaningful dialogues to help you define a focused intention. This clarity is essential as it directs your experience and shapes the insights you'll gain. Research has shown that a well-defined intention can significantly amplify the benefits of the retreat.

    Equipping you with the right tools and mindset to navigate the psychedelic experience is another vital aspect of our preparation. This ensures you're not only entering the journey with a clear goal but also with the skills and understanding needed to fully embrace it.

    In the integration phase, our role is to help you understand and apply the insights you've discovered. Psychedelics can offer deep truths with remarkable clarity, and we guide you in interpreting these insights and integrating them into your daily life. This process is what turns a single experience into lasting, meaningful change, embedding the growth and revelations into your everyday existence. When done right the first time, the need for repetitive sessions diminishes, as the transformation you achieve is both profound and enduring.

Privacy & Exclusivity

We might not be the cheapest, but we know what we offer. We offer best-in-class psychedelic retreats, where you gain the deepest insights. This includes a high-end environment where you can relax in privacy and exclusivity, where everything is taken care of for you.

  • At the core of our retreats is a deep commitment to providing personalized care, crucial for maximizing the benefits of a psychedelic experience. This commitment is unwavering, whether you're embarking on a solo journey or are part of a group session.

    In our private, one-on-one retreats, the focus is entirely on you. Every element, from the serene environment to the daily activities, is customized to align with your personal preferences and goals. This tailor-made approach guarantees a retreat experience that is as unique as your own journey of self-discovery.

    In group settings, while fostering a sense of community and shared experience, we never lose sight of the individual. Each member of the group receives attentive care and support, ensuring that the collective experience does not overshadow personal attention and introspection. Our skilled facilitators expertly balance group dynamics with individual needs, making sure that every participant's journey is respected and valued.

    Whether in individual or group settings, our focus on personal care and attention is a fundamental part of the retreat experience. This approach not only enhances the safety and effectiveness of the psychedelic journey but also ensures that each participant feels supported and valued. The result is a transformative experience that is both deeply personal and profoundly impactful.

Why psychedelics?

From the moment we're born, our brains begin to form algorithms that dictate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. These algorithms are both helpful and limiting at the same time. Gaining a deeper understanding of them is a powerful and important step towards personal growth. Psychedelics are an extremely valuable tool for gaining a deep understanding of these algorithms and creating the possibility of reprogramming them in a positive way.

“Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one's being, but by integration of the contraries.”
- Carl Jung -

Big impact, baby steps

80% of participants grade the psychedelic experience in the top 5 of the most meaningful events in their lives.

If one reads such a statement it is easy to think that such an experience will lead to drastic and overwhelming change. In reality, the changes that psychedelics can bring about are often more subtle and incremental. 

Through the psychedelic journey, individuals gain a fresh perspective on themselves and their lives. Limiting thought patterns are broken, providing an opportunity for positive change. This process typically involves a series of small, gradual adjustments, and we are here to support you in this journey.

  • For example, a person suffering from insecurities may discover their fear is rooted in a fear to be rejected and realize that in essence they are a good person. This realization alone can significantly reduce their insecure feelings and thoughts. As a next step they might choose to incorporate mindfulness or meditation practices into their routines, which can be great for observing and managing their thoughts on a daily basis. As a result, everyday actions and decisions are less influenced by fear or limitations. They are more able to be their true self, leading to long term improved mental health, overall well-being and happiness.

    Another impactful aspect of psychedelics is the way they facilitate deep connections with others. Psychedelics foster empathy and compassion, breaking down barriers, and promoting a sense of unity and connectedness. For example, a person experiencing relationship challenges may realize that they have a tendency to avoid conflict. Psychedelics help them better understand the underlying patterns allowing them to break away from it. They feel renewed freedom and confidence to address issues with their partner in a more direct but empathic way, leading to better communication and connectedness, ultimately strengthening their relationship.

    So overall, while some people may anticipate a complete life upheaval, the reality is often much more subtle. You will always be there to make the choice to actually make the changes. 

    The above does underline the importance of a well thought-through integration phase. We recognize that the insights gained can sometimes seem pivotal yet overwhelming. We provide a structured integration process to make sense out of them. And to define practical small steps that can help move towards the long-lasting meaningful change as intended. We have shaped our integration phase to ensure we have all the right focus and sufficient time to integrate this new perspective in your daily life in a safe, gradual and meaningful way. Moreover, we remain available to you at no additional cost for at least a year, beyond the planned sessions. You will have our number, just pick up the phone.

  • Our program is designed to have your mind and body in comfort and ease going into the journey. In a location in nature, in the Netherlands.

  • Duration and setup of your journey depends entirely on your needs and specifics.

  • Awayk offers best-in-class psychedelic journeys. We focus on ensuring you get most out of this magical experience.