The popularity of taking “shrooms” is increasing all over the Western world. Science is looking into the health benefits mainly for people with mental health disorders but is also looking at the lasting positive effects on healthy people. The potential positive effects on personal development are enormous. And then there are the additional use cases of microdosing and the recreational use of psychedelics. So the question of “What is the best way to take mushrooms?” is a valid one. Below, we will talk about the do’s and don'ts. What should be avoided and what should always be taken into consideration?

What not to do when taking magic mushrooms

With all the benefits being advertised and articles being published, it can almost feel like shrooms are good for everything. And while the benefits and science are valid, psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, is not a substance that should be taken lightly. Science shows us 67% of the participants put their experience with psychedelics in their top 5 of most valuable experiences1, but only when done right. Bad trips are a fact, so first we’ll give you some absolute “don’ts” when taking magic mushrooms before we look at some of the best practices when taking magic mushrooms.

Don’t mix and match with other substances. 

Don’t mix magic mushrooms with other drugs (or medicine). This includes alcohol. Even the use of caffeine can have a strong effect on the trip so we always recommend not drinking coffee. Mixing with cannabis can lead to paranoia. Combining these substances with hard drugs such as cocaine, MDMA or other, similar drugs can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed. And don’t mix with other psychedelic substances such as ayahuasca, LSD or 2CB. The effect is similar but the dosing of the substances becomes close to impossible as it is uncertain how these drugs interact. In short; you should understand that a part of tripping is the intensification and amplification of feelings, emotions and thought patterns. To yield the most benefits and avoid a negative or unnecessary confusing experience, the best way is to experience these in a clear way. Trust us; taking the magic mushrooms without any other substance is more than enough to have the experience of a lifetime. 

Be safe to feel safe

Another important practical “don’t” is taking magic mushrooms at a location that is unsafe. So no busy roads, high buildings, cliffs, deep water, wild animals, etc. Tripping, even done perfectly right, can sometimes be pretty confusing. An external danger or even an external fear of a possible danger definitely won’t help. It could unintentionally change an overwhelming situation to a fearful situation, and a fearful situation to a dangerous situation. Being in a trusting and physically safe environment will benefit your trip the most. 

Be aware of contra-indications 

Last but not least. Psychedelics are not for everybody, and even when it is for you, it should not be taken without the right considerations. Awayk uses strict selection criteria and so should you. We use this to ensure a participant will benefit from the experience and the experience won’t form a threat to their own well-being. Our Participant Agreement provides a clear overview. They use the same list in clinical trials, but we added some considerations based on our experience. It lists all the mental conditions, medicine use, family history and past traumas we think should exclude someone from taking a psychedelic substance. If after reading you have any doubts, questions or concerns, please reach out. We are here to help, even if you are nowhere near considering an Awayk journey.

And now, what is the best way to take “shrooms”?

Here we will focus on various aspects that are to be taken into account when taking magic mushrooms. The information provided applies to using psychedelics for personal development. This will not (always) apply to microdosing. To learn more about microdosing read our blogpost on microdosing. We will cover: 


For any psychedelic journey that is aimed at personal development, having a guide to support you will make all the difference. From preparation through integration, they will be there for you to help you make the most out of it. A good guide should: 


The "set" refers to the mindset, expectations, and psychological state of the individual embarking on a psychedelic journey. A person's inner landscape plays a pivotal role in shaping the experience; it is vital to cultivate openness and respect for the substances. “Tripping” involves introspection and self-reflection, clarifying of your motivations, and acknowledging fears or anxieties that may arise. The right mindset is one of curiosity, openness, embrace and without judgment. Like a young kid who is discovering new things. 

A good guide will help you create the right mindset, by simply talking about your current and desired mindset, or by using breathing exercises or guided meditations


The setting entails your physical, emotional and social surroundings. Creating a safe and supportive setting is essential for optimising the experience and mitigating potential risks. The surroundings should be comfortable, have the correct type of music, dim lighting and access to nature and support if needed. 

There should be no sudden disturbance possible. Start early, so you are not pressured to finish in time. A guide should give you a sense of a safe haven, granting you the permission to really let go of the intention to stay in control. 

If it is a group setting, make sure you trust each other wholeheartedly and feel comfortable enough around them to cry or be angry, laugh out loud or be silent. A good set, setting and guide, are enough to make a safe and deep trip. Keep reading if you want to know how you can maximise the actual benefits of taking shrooms.


Scientific studies, such as  "Carhart-Harris, R. L. et al (2018): Psychedelics and the essential importance of context" and "Cavarra, M. et al (2022): Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy—A Systematic Review" strongly support and emphasise the role of preparation and integration. At Awayk, we double down on our preparation phase. Good preparation reduces anxiety, builds trust, fosters a positive mindset before taking the mushrooms, and provides tools for navigating the experience. This leads to a more profound and meaningful experience and significantly lowers the chances of having a “bad trip.” Read more about our preparation here.


The dosage of shrooms plays a critical role in shaping the intensity and duration of the experience. Too high a dose and things might get scary. Plus, most of the benefits occur in the subconscious, so it might be difficult to recall their experience. Too low a dose and one will not exceed the journey threshold and receive limited value from the trip. Contrary to what many think, dosing has little to do with gender or body weight. Instead, it depends on the desire for control and the rigidity of ego structure. If someone can fully surrender, they are more likely to have a full-blown experience on a lower dose. Read more about set, setting and dosage here.


Proper and thoughtful integration supports lasting positive changes by helping individuals make sense of their journey's insights and apply them to their daily lives. Integration bridges the insights gained during a psychedelic journey and their meaningful integration into everyday life. They should help to relive the insightful feeling daily, to enable and hold a more conscious mind and let small changes happen. We consider four ingredients crucial for optimising these positive sustainable changes. Read our full blog about integration here to learn more.

Concluding words

Taking magic mushrooms can result in it being one of the most impactful things you will ever do. But it does depend on doing it right. Bad trips are real, but can also be managed if set, setting and dosage are being controlled. here is one other thing to be considered though; always do your own research, like you are doing now. Be open and sceptical at the same time. There is a lot of information out there, and while most of it is correct and meant well, we have also seen false information. When in doubt, feel free to drop us a line. We are here for you.

Interested in a psychedelic retreat? Contact us.

  1. Griffiths, R.R., Richards, W.A., McCann, U. et al. Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences having substantial and sustained personal meaning and spiritual significance. Psychopharmacology 187, 268–283 (2006). ↩︎

Understanding how long magic mushrooms remain in our system depends on how you look at it. In short, magic mushrooms are traceable in our bodies for about 24 hours. The visual and mental effects of psychedelics - what we call the “trip” - typically last between 4 and 6 hours1. Then there is the after-effect of increased neuroplasticity which can persist for 1-3 weeks2. The positive effects of the trip, with increased focus, awareness, creativity, empathy, and more, can last a lifetime. 

Want to know more about the different factors which influence how long magic mushrooms stay on your systems? We are proud to say that we have, by now, guided many different trips for different individuals. We have written down our findings below.

What are the factors it depends on?

Dosage will impact the duration of a trip. For a small dose, the effects will seem to ware of sooner (total time 3-5 hours) while a high dose will last a bit longer (4-6 hours). But be aware; unlike many substances, magic mushrooms can't be dosed solely based on body weight. Every individual reacts uniquely to a dose. This is still a big misconception that not many people seem to be aware of. 

A small dose might have a bit impact on someone who finds it easy to ‘let go’ and ‘dive deep’. On the other hand, someone that is often caught up in thinking and finds it hard to let go of those thinking patterns, will require a higher dose in order to have the same effects. In our preparation process, we will talk about those topics to find out what the right dosage will be. We also employ a breathwork session to better understand the participants' readiness to ‘let go’ and fully immerse themselves. Lastly, we make use of a booster schedule.

Booster schedule

We follow a booster schedule where we start with a moderate dose. After an hour, we can re-dose based on the participants' responses to the first dosage. Dosage matters significantly; while a low dose might yield a 3.5-hour trip, a higher dose can extend the experience to 6 hours or more. Interestingly, research suggests that higher doses lead to deeper insights and more meaningful and insightful experiences3

Set and setting

The intensity of the trip also depends on 'set' and 'setting'. 'Set' refers to mindset; psychedelics amplify emotions, so mental preparedness is crucial. At Awayk, we prioritise intention setting, and we train participants on how to let go and build a mindset of curiosity and openness. ‘Setting' refers to the external environment and atmosphere, such as the people involved and the location's atmosphere and surroundings. Choosing a serene location, such as a forest house with minimal distractions, enhances the experience. Read more about set and setting, preparation and integration to fully understand their importance.

How long does it take to feel the effects?

Before delving into the duration of the effects, let's explore the trip's onset. It typically begins 15 minutes to half an hour after ingestion and is characterised by fluctuating waves of effects. As time elapses, these waves intensify, reaching a peak within an hour. You'll linger at this peak for about an hour before the effects gradually subside over 2 to 4 hours, resulting in a 4 to 6-hour total4.

How long do magic mushrooms stay in your system?

So, in summary, an average trip on shrooms lasts 4-6 hours, but we don’t recommend driving home afterwards. While the psilocybin, the active component in magic mushrooms, may not be active in your system anymore it will still take time to digest what has been experienced. We always encourage participants to get a head start with integration, so now is a great time to write down the biggest insights or to speak to your guide about the many things that you have experienced. 

After 24 hours, the magic mushroom is undetectable in your system. However, the positive effects persist. A trip can bring many new insights that enable a person to look forward to the next phase of their life. And for about three weeks, the brain is experiencing a renewed capability to learn new things, thanks to neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the formation of new neural connections during and after the trip5. Often, change is hard for people, as we like to follow old patterns and hence it is hard to create new pathways. Neuroplasticity changes this fact as it actually allows new connections in the brain. This is partly why psychedelics can be so powerful; they help create real insights and at the same time, neurologically they enable a person to integrate desired changes into daily life! This lasts for around 3 weeks and gives room to create lasting changes in behaviour and thought patterns. 

With a well-planned and well-guided integration process, these changes may last a lifetime!

Interested in a psychedelic retreat? See our program here.

  1. Medical News Today website: /how-long-do-shrooms-stay-in-your-system ↩︎
  2. Calder, A.E., Hasler, G. Towards an understanding of psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity. Neuropsychopharmacol. 48, 104–112 (2023). ↩︎
  3. Nicholas CR, Henriquez KM, Gassman MC, Cooper KM, Muller D, Hetzel S, Brown RT, Cozzi NV, Thomas C, Hutson PR. High dose psilocybin is associated with positive subjective effects in healthy volunteers. J Psychopharmacol. 2018 Jul ↩︎
  4. Medical News Today website: /how-long-do-shrooms-stay-in-your-system ↩︎
  5. Calder, A.E., Hasler, G. Towards an understanding of psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity. Neuropsychopharmacol. 48, 104–112 (2023). ↩︎

Begrijpen hoe lang magic truffels in ons systeem blijven, hangt af van hoe je het bekijkt. Kort door de bocht zijn magic truffels ongeveer 24 uur detecteerbaar in ons bloed1. De visuele en mentale effecten van psychedelica - wat we de “trip” noemen - duren meestal tussen de 4 en 6 uur en de piek meestal ongeveer een uur2. Echter is de perceptie van deze duur weer een ander verhaal. Dan is er nog het na-effect van verhoogde neuroplasticiteit, dat 1-3 weken kan aanhouden. Als slot kunnen de positieve effecten van de trip, zoals verhoogde focus, bewustzijn, creativiteit, empathie en meer, een leven lang meegaan.

Wat zijn de factoren waar het vanaf hangt?


De dosering zal de duur van een trip beïnvloeden. Voor een kleine dosis zullen de effecten sneller lijken af te nemen (totale tijd 3-5 uur), terwijl een hoge dosis iets langer zal duren (4-6 uur). Belangrijk om te weten; in tegenstelling tot veel andere stoffen kunnen magic truffels niet uitsluitend op basis van lichaamsgewicht worden gedoseerd. Elke persoon reageert uniek op een dosis. Dit is nog steeds een groot misverstand.

Een kleine dosis van magic truffels kan een grote impact hebben op iemand die het gemakkelijk vindt om 'los te laten' en 'diep te duiken'. Aan de andere kant zal iemand die vaak in gedachten verzonken is en het moeilijk vindt om deze denkpatronen los te laten, een hogere dosis nodig hebben om dezelfde effecten te ervaren. In ons voorbereidingsproces bespreken we deze onderwerpen om te bepalen wat de juiste dosering zal zijn. We gebruiken ook een ademwerk sessie om beter te begrijpen hoe goed de deelnemers zich kunnen overgeven en zich volledig kunnen onderdompelen. Ten slotte maken we gebruik van een booster schema.

Met Awayk volgen we een booster schema waarbij we beginnen met een gematigde dosis. Na een uur kunnen we opnieuw doseren op basis van de reacties van de deelnemers op de eerste dosering. Dosering is van groot belang; terwijl een lage dosis een trip van 3,5 uur kan opleveren, kan een hogere dosis de ervaring verlengen tot 6 uur of meer. Interessant is dat onderzoek suggereert dat een hogere dosis leidt tot diepere inzichten en meer betekenisvolle ervaringen3.

Set en setting

De intensiteit van de trip hangt ook af van 'set' en 'setting'. 'Set' verwijst naar de mindset; psychedelica versterken emoties, dus mentale voorbereiding is cruciaal. Bij Awayk geven we prioriteit aan het stellen van intenties en trainen we deelnemers om los te laten en een mindset van nieuwsgierigheid en openheid op te bouwen. 'Setting' verwijst naar de externe omgeving en sfeer, zoals de betrokken mensen en de sfeer en omgeving van de locatie. Het kiezen van een serene locatie, zoals een bos met minimale afleidingen, verbetert de ervaring van de magic truffels. Lees verder over set and setting, voorbereiding en integratie om het belang hiervan beter te begrijpen.

Hoe lang duurt het om de effecten te voelen van magic truffels?

Laten we, voordat we verder ingaan op de duur van de effecten, eerst het eerste deel van de trip verkennen. Deze begint meestal 15 minuten tot een half uur na inname en wordt gekenmerkt door hetn opkomen van de psychedelica, wat meestal gebeurt in golven. Naarmate de tijd verstrijkt, worden deze golven intenser en bereiken ze een piek na ongeveer een uur. Je blijft ongeveer een uur op deze piek voordat de effecten geleidelijk afnemen over 2 tot 4 uur, wat resulteert in een totale duur van 4 tot 6 uur.

Hoe lang blijven magic truffels in je systeem?


Een gemiddelde trip op magic truffels of mushrooms duurt 4-6 uur, maar we raden niet aan om daarna direct naar huis te rijden. Hoewel de psilocybine, het actieve bestanddeel in magic truffels, misschien niet meer actief is in je systeem, zal het nog tijd kosten om te verwerken wat je hebt ervaren. We moedigen deelnemers altijd aan om te beginnen met de integratie; nu is het een goed moment om de grootste inzichten op te schrijven of met je gids te praten over de vele dingen die je hebt ervaren4.


Na 24 uur is de magic truffels ondetecteerbaar in je systeem. De positieve effecten blijven echter bestaan. Een trip kan veel nieuwe inzichten brengen die een persoon in staat stellen uit te kijken naar de volgende fase van hun leven. En gedurende ongeveer drie weken ervaart de hersenen een vernieuwd vermogen om nieuwe dingen te leren dankzij neuroplasticiteit. Neuroplasticiteit is de vorming van nieuwe neurale verbindingen tijdens en na de trip5. Vaak is verandering moeilijk voor mensen omdat we graag oude patronen volgen en het daarom moeilijk is om nieuwe paden te creëren. Neuroplasticiteit verandert dit feit omdat het daadwerkelijk nieuwe verbindingen in de hersenen mogelijk maakt. Dit is gedeeltelijk waarom psychedelica zo krachtig kunnen zijn; ze helpen echte inzichten te creëren en tegelijkertijd neurologisch in staat stellen om gewenste veranderingen in het dagelijks leven te integreren! Dit duurt ongeveer 3 weken en biedt ruimte om blijvende veranderingen in gedrag en denkpatronen te creëren. 

Met een goed gepland en goed begeleid integratieproces kunnen deze veranderingen een leven lang meegaan!

Mocht je nog vragen hebben na aanleiding van deze blog, neem gemakkelijk vrijblijvend contact met ons op. Daar zijn we voor!

  1. Medical News Today website: /how-long-do-shrooms-stay-in-your-system
  2.  Calder, A.E., Hasler, G. Towards an understanding of psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity. Neuropsychopharmacol. 48, 104–112 (2023).
  3. Nicholas CR, Henriquez KM, Gassman MC, Cooper KM, Muller D, Hetzel S, Brown RT, Cozzi NV, Thomas C, Hutson PR. High dose psilocybin is associated with positive subjective effects in healthy volunteers. J Psychopharmacol. 2018 Jul ↩︎
  4. Medical News Today website: /how-long-do-shrooms-stay-in-your-system  ↩︎
  5. Calder, A.E., Hasler, G. Towards an understanding of psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity. Neuropsychopharmacol. 48, 104–112 (2023). ↩︎

Psychedelics are in fashion and microdosing magic mushrooms is an integral part of the psychedelic renaissance. Microdosing is a method of consuming sub-threshold amounts of substances like magic mushrooms to enhance creativity, productivity, and emotional balance, without experiencing the full-blown psychedelic visual and bodily effects. This practice has gained popularity thanks to pioneers like Paul Stamets, James Fadiman, and even Albert Hofmann, the inventor of LSD, who lived to be 103 years old. But what exactly is microdosing, and why are people drawn to it?

What is Microdosing?

Microdosing involves taking a small dose of a psychedelic substance—typically 1/20 to 1/10 of a recreational dose - so little that you don't experience an intense trip and/or alterations in consciousness, but enough to make you feel sharper, more empathetic, more creative, or just happier. This has become a trend in places like Silicon Valley because people believe it helps them perform better at work and in their private lives. Although scientists are still conducting extensive research on it, many people swear by the benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms in their daily lives. 

How long does microdosing last? Magic mushrooms versus LSD

The immediate effects of microdosing vary per individual and depend on dosage and substance. LSD and Psilocybin - as found in magic mushrooms, are two of the most popular choices. Not a lot of research is available on microdosing yet, but going with our own experience, which correlates with what most other users report, the effects usually last about two days. On the first day, the immediate effects such as increased focus, creativity, tranquillity, and mindfulness are most tangible. On the second day, however, one usually still feels what we call an ‘afterglow’. During this period it is common to feel more grounded, and a general sense of tranquillity and mindfulness can still be felt. This afterglow is the reason why most people use the following rhythm, commonly known as the Fadiman Protocol; 

Schedule for microdosing magic mushrooms

Day 1: 1st microdosing day

Day 2: Transition day

Day 3: Normal day / Rest day

Day 4: 2nd microdosing day

Day 5: Transition day

Day 6: Normal day / Rest day

Please note that LSD is illegal in most countries, while Magic Truffles are legal in countries like The Netherlands and hence can offer a more accessible option. 

What are the benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms?

Research and anecdotal evidence, including insights from neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, suggest that the benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms may sometimes overlap with placebo effects. We see an increase in empathy, focus, energy, creativity, emotional well-being and problem-solving So despite the debate over the placebo effect, the personal and anecdotal benefits cited by many underscore a valuable impact on their lives. 

We do believe, and see in our environment, that the effects of microdosing are usually stronger felt by users who have experienced a high dose of psychedelics once. Microdosing, for example with magic mushrooms, creates a subtle change in our conditioned consciousness, which allows us to be more focused, emphatic, mindfull, etc. A high dose of psychedelics does the same but to a much stronger effect. We believe that people who have experienced the effects of a high dose of psychedelics can better recognize, and lean into, the effects of a smaller dose.

What does microdosing magic mushrooms do?

Ok, this is going to be a bit technical, as we are going to explain how psychedelics works from a neurologic perspective. But hey, we like to understand how things work ourselves, so this is for the like-minded geeks :-).

Microdosing psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin primarily influence the brain's serotonergic system by targeting the serotonin 5-HT2A receptors, which are crucial for modulating neuroplasticity - the brain's capacity to reorganize and form new neural connections. 

The interaction with 5-HT2A receptors triggers a cascade of neurochemical activities, including the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein integral to the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons. BDNF's role in neuroplasticity is well-documented, with increases in BDNF correlated with improved learning and memory capabilities. Additionally, psychedelics initiate a surge in glutamate release, an excitatory neurotransmitter that facilitates synaptic plasticity, the foundation of learning and memory. This glutamate release is thought to contribute to the cognitive enhancements reported by individuals who microdose, enabling a state of heightened learning and problem-solving ability. All of the aforementioned has been proven for higher doses of psychedelics. Research has shown that Many animal studies investigating chronic dosing have not differentiated between microdoses and hallucinogenic doses, which may be an important distinction. However, more research is required to better understand the dynamics. 

Moreover, the psychological effects of microdosing magic mushrooms, such as increased emotional balance and enhanced creativity, can also be attributed to these neurobiological changes. The adaptive neural environment fostered by microdosing may help dismantle rigid thought patterns and behaviours, offering a novel perspective for ‘healthy individuals’ as well as for those suffering from conditions such as depression and anxiety.

By bolstering the brain's plasticity and promoting the health of neural networks, microdosing with psychedelics presents a compelling avenue for research into non-traditional psychiatric treatments. The potential for lasting changes in brain function and structure through such minimal interventions is a specific area of research interest. 

Personal Experiences and Expert Insights 

Both personal anecdotes and scientific research contribute to our understanding of microdosing's benefits. Whether it's enhancing creative output, improving mental health, or simply adding a subtle uplift to one’s day-to-day life, the practice continues to attract interest and debate.

As microdosing magic mushrooms continues to gain popularity, it's clear that this practice offers a unique pathway for individuals seeking to enhance their mental and emotional well-being. Whether through the subtle shifts in perception, it provides or the more profound personal insights users report, microdosing stands at the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern science, offering a nuanced tool for personal development and well-being. 

Having experienced this ourselves we created our own microdosis best practices based on the Fadiman findings, and are happy to share the protocol with you. If you would like to put this into practice, don’t hesitate to get in touch! While we don’t sell microdoses, we would love to explain the practicalities and pros and cons in more details before you embark on this journey. 

Interested in a psychedelic retreat? See our program here.

Further increasing your knowledge on microdosing magic mushrooms

Much of this post is based on scientific research. If you would enjoy learning in more depth about microdosing magic mushrooms we invite you to start here:

Psychedelica lijken helemaal in de mode te zijn en microdosing magic mushrooms is inmiddels een integraal onderdeel van de psychedelische renaissance. Microdosing is een methode waarbij kleine hoeveelheden van stoffen zoals truffels worden ingenomen om creativiteit, productiviteit en emotionele balans te verbeteren, zonder de volledige psychedelische visuele en lichamelijke effecten te ervaren. Dit is populair geworden dankzij pioniers zoals Paul Stamets, James Fadiman, en zelfs Albert Hofmann, de uitvinder van LSD, die 103 jaar oud werd. Maar wat is microdosing truffels precies, en waarom voelen mensen zich erdoor aangetrokken?

Wat is microdosing truffels?

Microdosing houdt in dat je een kleine dosis van een psychedelische stof neemt—typisch 1/20 tot 1/10 van een “normale” dosis; zo weinig dat je geen intense trip en/of veranderingen in bewustzijn ervaart, maar genoeg om je scherper, empathischer, creatiever of gewoon gelukkiger te voelen. Dit is een trend geworden in plaatsen zoals Silicon Valley omdat mensen geloven dat het hen helpt beter te presteren op het werk en in hun privéleven. Hoewel wetenschappers nog uitgebreid onderzoek doen en de effecten niet bewezen achten, zweren veel mensen bij de voordelen van microdosing magic mushrooms in hun dagelijks leven.

Hoelang duurt microdosing? Magic truffels versus LSD

De directe effecten van microdosing variëren per individu en zijn afhankelijk van de dosering en de stof. LSD en psilocybine, de laatste van de twee zoals gevonden in magic mushrooms en truffels, zijn de twee meest gangbare keuzes. Er is nog niet veel onderzoek beschikbaar over microdosing truffels, maar op basis van onze eigen ervaring, die overeenkomt met wat de meeste andere gebruikers melden, duren de effecten meestal ongeveer twee dagen. Op de eerste dag zijn de directe effecten zoals verhoogde focus, creativiteit, kalmte en mindfulness het meest tastbaar. Op de tweede dag voelt men echter meestal nog wat we een 'afterglow' noemen. Gedurende deze periode is het gebruikelijk om je meer geaard te voelen en een algemeen gevoel van kalmte en mindfulness te ervaren. Deze afterglow is de reden waarom de meeste mensen het volgende ritme gebruiken, algemeen bekend als het Fadiman Protocol.

Het Fadiman Protocol (microdosing truffels schema)

Dag 1: 1e microdosing dag  

Dag 2: Overgangsdag  

Dag 3: Normale dag / Rustdag  

Dag 4: 2e microdosing dag  

Dag 5: Overgangsdag  

Dag 6: Normale dag / Rustdag  

Let op dat LSD illegaal is in de meeste landen, terwijl magic truffels legaal zijn in landen zoals Nederland en dus een meer toegankelijke optie kunnen bieden.

Wat zijn de voordelen van microdosing truffels?


Onderzoek en anekdotisch bewijs, waaronder inzichten van neurowetenschapper Andrew Huberman, suggereren dat de voordelen van microdosing truffels kunnen overlappen met placebo-effecten. We zien een toename in empathie, focus, energie, creativiteit, emotioneel welzijn en probleemoplossend vermogen. Ondanks de discussie over het placebo-effect benadrukken de persoonlijke en anekdotische voordelen die door velen worden genoemd de waardevolle impact op hun leven.


Wij geloven, en zien in onze omgeving, dat de effecten van microdosing meestal sterker worden gevoeld door gebruikers die ooit een hoge dosis psychedelica hebben ervaren. Microdosing, bijvoorbeeld met truffels, veroorzaakt een subtiele verandering in ons geconditioneerde bewustzijn, waardoor we ons meer kunnen focussen, empathischer, mindful, enz. Een hoge dosis psychedelica doet hetzelfde, maar met een veel sterker effect. We geloven dat mensen die de effecten van een hoge dosis psychedelica hebben ervaren, de effecten van een kleinere dosis beter kunnen herkennen en benutten.

Wat doet microdosing truffels?

Oké, dit wordt een beetje technisch, omdat we gaan uitleggen hoe psychedelica werkt vanuit een neurologisch perspectief. Maar hé, we willen graag begrijpen hoe dingen werken, dus dit is voor de gelijkgestemde nerds :-).

Microdosing psychedelica zoals LSD en psilocybine beïnvloedt voornamelijk het serotonergische systeem van de hersenen door de serotonine 5-HT2A-receptoren te targeten, die cruciaal zijn voor het moduleren van neuroplasticiteit—het vermogen van de hersenen om zichzelf te reorganiseren en nieuwe neurale verbindingen te vormen. 

De interactie met 5-HT2A-receptoren triggert een cascade van neurochemische activiteiten, waaronder de afgifte van brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), een eiwit dat essentieel is voor de groei, het onderhoud en het overleven van neuronen. De rol van BDNF in neuroplasticiteit is goed gedocumenteerd, met toenames in BDNF die gecorreleerd zijn met verbeterde leer- en geheugenvaardigheden. Bovendien initiëren psychedelica een toename in glutamaat afgifte, een exciterende neurotransmitter die synaptische plasticiteit faciliteert, de basis van leren en geheugen. Deze glutamaat afgifte wordt geacht bij te dragen aan de cognitieve verbeteringen die door individuen die microdoseren worden gerapporteerd, waardoor een staat van verhoogd leren en probleemoplossend vermogen mogelijk wordt. Al het bovenstaande is bewezen voor hogere doses psychedelica. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat veel dierstudies die chronische dosering onderzoeken geen onderscheid maken tussen microdoses en hallucinogene doses, wat een belangrijk onderscheid kan zijn. Er is echter meer onderzoek nodig om de dynamiek beter te begrijpen.

Bovendien kunnen de psychologische effecten van microdosing truffels, zoals verhoogde emotionele balans en verbeterde creativiteit, ook worden toegeschreven aan deze neurobiologische veranderingen. De adaptieve neurale omgeving die door microdosing wordt bevorderd, kan helpen starre gedachtepatronen en gedragingen te doorbreken, waardoor een nieuw perspectief wordt geboden voor 'gezonde individuen' evenals voor degenen die lijden aan aandoeningen zoals depressie en angst.

Door de plasticiteit van de hersenen te versterken en de gezondheid van neurale netwerken te bevorderen, biedt microdosing met psychedelica een boeiend onderzoeksterrein voor niet-traditionele psychiatrische behandelingen. Het potentieel voor blijvende veranderingen in hersenfunctie en structuur door dergelijke minimale interventies is een specifiek onderzoeksgebied van belang.

Persoonlijke ervaringen en deskundige inzichten

Zowel persoonlijke anekdotes als wetenschappelijk onderzoek dragen bij aan ons begrip van de voordelen van microdosing. Of het nu gaat om het verbeteren van creatieve output, het verbeteren van de geestelijke gezondheid, of gewoon het toevoegen van een subtiele opkikker aan het dagelijks leven, de praktijk blijft interesse en debat aantrekken.

Naarmate microdosing truffels steeds populairder wordt, is het duidelijk dat deze praktijk een unieke weg biedt voor individuen die hun mentale en emotionele welzijn willen verbeteren. Of het nu gaat om de subtiele verschuivingen in perceptie die het biedt of de meer diepgaande persoonlijke inzichten die gebruikers rapporteren, microdosing staat op het snijvlak van oude wijsheid en moderne wetenschap, en biedt een genuanceerd hulpmiddel voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en welzijn.

Zelf hebben we dit ervaren en hebben we onze eigen microdosing best practices gecreëerd op basis van de bevindingen van Fadiman, en we delen het protocol graag met je. Als je dit in de praktijk wilt brengen, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen! Hoewel we geen microdoses verkopen, leggen we graag de praktische aspecten en voor- en nadelen in meer detail uit voordat je aan deze reis begint.

Benieuwd naar wat een psychedelische ervaring voor jou kan betekenen? Bekijk onze programma's hier.

Verder je kennis over microdosing truffels vergroten

Veel van deze post is gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Als je graag meer details wil weten over microdosing truffels, nodigen we je uit om hier te beginnen:

Luisteren: Huberman Lab. Dr. Huberman is een neurowetenschapper met uitgebreide kennis over psychedelica. Zijn podcast over psilocybine is zeer interessant; "How Psilocybin Can Rewire Our Brain."

Lezen: The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide. Een zeer praktisch boek over hoe psychedelica in het algemeen werken, inclusief een uitgebreide uitleg over microdosing.

Kijken: Ted Talk van Joseph Rootman - Microdosing Psychedelics: Small is Big. Joseph Rootman is een promovendus in het klinische psychologieprogramma aan de Universiteit van British Columbia en voerde een grootschalige studie uit naar microdosing.

In de afgelopen jaren zagen we een aanzienlijke groei in interesse en onderzoek naar het gebruik van psychedelica voor de behandeling van verschillende geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen. Onder deze stoffen valt psilocybine, het actieve bestanddeel in Magic Truffels, op vanwege zijn veelbelovende potentieel bij de behandeling van depressie. Waarom zouden Magic Truffels een doorbraak kunnen zijn in geestelijke gezondheidstherapieën? Welke neurologische effecten hebben ze? Hoe dragen ze bij aan therapeutische voordelen? En welke veiligheidsaspecten moeten in overweging worden genomen?

Waarom Magic Truffels voor depressie?


Uit wat we hebben geleerd, is het grootste verschil tussen traditionele antidepressiva en op psychedelica gebaseerde therapie de manier waarop ze de cliënt helpen. Traditionele antidepressiva helpen je minder slecht te voelen over jezelf en je leven, en soms zelfs vreugde te voelen. Ze proberen de symptomen van depressie weg te nemen. Dit geeft de mogelijkheid om patronen te veranderen, maar brengt het gevaar van langdurige afhankelijkheid met zich mee, en een aanzienlijke kans dat de depressie terugkomt wanneer je stopt met het gebruik van de antidepressiva.

Aanpak via de kern 

Psychedelica werken anders. Ze helpen je om je depressie onder ogen te zien, erdoorheen te kijken en te begrijpen en voelen dat je in wezen altijd helemaal oké bent. Je bent goed zoals je bent. Het is goed om te begrijpen dat deze inzichten geen cognitieve inzichten zijn die via het denken komen, maar een gevoel vanuit het onderbewuste. Je voelt daadwerkelijk dat ze 100% waar zijn. Psychedelica richten zich op de kern van de depressie. 

Vanuit neurologisch perspectief is aangetoond dat psilocybine, het actieve bestanddeel in psychedelische paddenstoelen, invloed heeft op cognitie en het onderbewustzijn, waardoor individuen bevrijd worden van beperkende gedachtepatronen. Bij patiënten met depressie kunnen repetitieve en circulaire gedachtepatronen het dagelijks functioneren en het algehele welzijn aanzienlijk belemmeren.

Vanuit inzicht, via begrip, naar acceptatie

We hebben zelf ervaren, en gezien bij de mensen die we begeleiden, hoe Magic Truffels helpen om negatieve patronen zichtbaar te maken. Dit leidt tot betere herkenning, wat de eerste stap is in het veranderen van gedrag. Huidig onderzoek bevestigt deze waarnemingen. We zien dat een psychedelische ervaring niet alleen helpt om de onhandige patronen duidelijker te zien, maar dat de ego-loze staat ons ook in staat stelt onze onderliggende overtuigingen met betrekking tot deze patronen te veranderen. Bijvoorbeeld, iemand die zich afgesloten voelt van anderen, kan ontdekken dat hij of zij zich altijd heeft ingehouden omdat ze bang zijn volledig te verbinden, vanwege een angst voor afwijzing. Tijdens de psychedelische ervaring 'voelen' ze dat ze goed genoeg zijn en kunnen ze die angst loslaten. Niet alleen door te denken, zoals we zo vaak doen, maar door dit met het hele lichaam en zelfs daarbuiten te voelen


Ook het concept van neuroplasticiteit is hier cruciaal; psilocybine stimuleert het vermogen van de hersenen om nieuwe verbindingen te maken. Onze hersenen volgen graag bestaande verbindingen. En de verbindingen die we het meest volgen, worden het sterkst. Een psychedelische ervaring stelt ons in staat deze verbindingen te reorganiseren en nieuwe te creëren. Dus er zijn nieuwe inzichten, die we 'voelen' als zeer waar, en neurologisch gezien kunnen de hersenen daadwerkelijk nieuwe verbindingen maken om deze nieuwe inzichten te helpen 'op te slaan' en blijvende verandering te creëren. Om deze nieuwe verbindingen sterk te maken, en daadwerkelijk de gedachtepatronen en gedragingen gebaseerd op de oude routes te veranderen, is een goed geplande en begeleide integratie essencieel.

Wat zijn de voordelen van Magic Truffels voor depressie?

Magic Truffels kunnen gunstig zijn voor de behandeling van depressie, verslavingen, angst, PTSD en burn-out. De lijst is lang en wordt alleen maar langer naarmate de tijd verstrijkt en er meer onderzoek wordt gedaan naar de mogelijkheden. En hoewel wetenschappers de neurologische effecten tot op zekere hoogte begrijpen, zijn ze nog steeds verdeeld over hoe het precies werkt. Dit komt deels omdat psychedelica het bewustzijn beïnvloeden en zelfs huidig onderzoek met al zijn hulpmiddelen en technieken nog steeds niet de ware aard van bewustzijn volledig kan verklaren.

Onze observatie is dat Magic Truffels depressie behandelen door verbinding te maken met het onderbewustzijn, en de depressie bij de wortel aan te pakken. Depressie gaat over gevoelens en de negatieve gedachtepatronen komen later. Reguliere therapie werkt vaak via cognitie - we praten met een therapeut en met ons 'denkende brein' krijgen we een beter begrip van de patronen die ons niet dienen, hoe deze zijn ontstaan (verleden trauma) en wat we anders zouden moeten doen. De uitdaging hierbij is dat, hoewel we nu het probleem begrijpen, onze oude gewoonten, overtuigingen en waarden nog steeds diep in ons onderbewustzijn zijn opgeslagen. Als je die niet verandert, zal er geen verandering plaatsvinden. Onderzoek kan meten hoe Magic Truffels de cognitieve delen van onze hersenen tijdenlijk minder authritair maken, daarmee wordt ook de sturende en "beschermende" werking van dit deel sterk afgezwakt, waardoor we verbinding kunnen maken met het onderbewustzijn en onze diepere overtuigingen en waarden. Zonder de dagelijkse 'stem in ons hoofd' die er een mening over vormt. Dit stelt ons in staat om belemmerende patronen op een dieper niveau te ervaren en de nodige veranderingen door te voeren. Zo worden we in staat gesteld veranderingen aanbrengen in de kern van ons wezen, wat het veel krachtiger maakt dan enkel de symptomen tijdelijk weg te nemen.

Hoeveel Magic Truffels voor depressie?

Dosering is een uiterst belangrijke factor in elke psychedelische ervaring. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat een hogere dosis meestal leidt tot meer effectiviteit bij het bestrijden van depressie1. We zien echter dat een te hoge dosis ertoe leidt dat mensen zich niet volledig kunnen herinneren wat ze hebben ervaren. Ten tweede, bij een te hoge dosis worden mensen zo ego-loos dat ze niet eens meer het gevoel hebben te bestaan, wat het moeilijk maakt om aan onhandige patronen te werken. We willen dus de juiste balans vinden voor elk individu.

Het is belangrijk hier op te merken dat psychedelica, in tegenstelling tot bijna alle andere stoffen, niet op basis van lichaamsgewicht kunnen worden gedoseerd. Elk individu reageert anders op een dosis. Tijdens het voorbereidingsproces gebruiken wij bijvoorbeeld een ademwerksessie om te bepalen hoe gemakkelijk mensen kunnen 'loslaten' en 'diep kunnen duiken'. Dit is een uitstekende indicator voor ons gebleken om de dosering te bepalen. Ten tweede maken we altijd gebruik van een booster-schema. Dit betekent dat we beginnen met een gemiddelde dosis en na een uur samen beslissen of het zinvol is om nog dieper in de ervaring te duiken en de dosis te verhogen.

Is het gevaarlijk om Magic Truffels te gebruiken voor depressie?

Onderzoek is zeer duidelijk over het feit dat de toxiciteit van psychedelica extreem laag is2. Echter, het is niet zonder risico's. Hier zijn enkele factoren om in overweging te nemen:

Zie onze Deelnemersovereenkomst voor de volledige lijst van contra-indicaties voor Magic Truffels.

Mocht je nog vragen hebben na aanleiding van deze blog, neem gemakkelijk vrijblijvend contact met ons op. Daar zijn we voor!

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In recent years, there has been a significant growth in interest and research around the use of psychedelics for treating various mental health conditions. Among these substances, psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, stands out for its promising potential in the treatment of depression. Why could magic mushrooms be a game changer in mental health therapies? What neurological effects do they have? How do they contribute to therapeutic benefits? And what safety considerations should be taken into account? 

Why magic mushrooms for depression?

From what we have learned, the biggest difference between traditional antidepressants and psychedelic-based therapy is in the way they help the client. Traditional antidepressants help to feel less bad about yourself and your life, and sometimes even feel joy again. They try to take the symptoms of depression away. This gives the possibility to change patterns but throws in the danger of long-term dependency, and a fair chance of the depression coming back when you stop using the antidepressant.

Psychedelics work differently. They help you to face your depression, help you to look through it, and be able to momentarily understand that you are in essence, always totally okay. Understand that these insides are not cognitive insights, but bodily insights. You actually feel they are 100% true. Psychedelic aims for the root of the depression. From a neurological perspective psilocybin, the active component in psychedelic mushrooms has been shown to influence cognition and the subconscious, helping individuals break free from restrictive patterns of thought. In patients with depression, repetitive and circulative thinking patterns can significantly impair daily functioning and overall well-being. 

We have experienced ourselves, and have seen with the people we guide, how magic mushrooms aid in making negative patterns visible. This allows for better recognition, which is the first step in changing behaviour. Current research is confirming these observations (1). We see that a psychedelic experience helps to not only see the unserving patterns more clearly, but that the egoless state also allows us to change our underlying beliefs with regards to these patterns. For example, someone who feels disconnected from others might discover that they have always held back because they are afraid to fully connect, because they have a fear of being rejected. During the psychedelic experience, they ‘feel’ they are good enough and are able to let go of that fear. Not just by thinking, as we do so often, but by feeling this with the entirety of their body and even beyond. 

Also, the concept of neuroplasticity is crucial here; psilocybin can stimulate the brain's ability to create new connections. Our brain likes to follow existing connections. And the ones we follow most become most strong. A psychedelic experience allows us to reorganise these connections and create new ones. So there are new insights, which we ‘feel’ are very true, neurologically the brain actually can make new connections to help ‘store’ these new insights and create lasting change. To help these new connections to become strong, and actually change the thought patterns and behaviour based on the old routes, asks for a well-planned and guided integration.

What are the benefits of magic mushrooms for depression?

Magic Mushrooms can be beneficial for treating depression, addictions, anxiety, PTSD, and burnout. The list is long and is only increasing over time. And while scientists understand the neurological effects to a certain degree, they are still torn about how it works exactly. This is partly because psychedelics influence consciousness and even current research with all its tools and techniques still can’t truly explain the basic nature of consciousness.

Our observation is that magic mushrooms treat depression by connecting with the subconscious, facing the depression at its root. Depression is about feelings and the negative thinking patterns come in later. Regular therapy often works via cognition - we talk to a therapist and with our ‘thinking brain’, we gain a better understanding of the patterns that are not serving us, how these came about (past trauma) and what we should be doing differently. The challenge here is that, while we now understand the issue, our old habits, beliefs and values are still stored deep down in our subconscious. If you don’t change those, there won’t be a change. Research can measure how magic mushrooms tune down the cognitive parts of our brain, which allows us to connect with the subconscious, and our deeper beliefs and values. Without the daily ‘voice in our heads’ forming an opinion about it. This allows us to make changes on a deeper level. Hence, we are making changes at the core of our being which makes it much more powerful.

How much magic mushrooms for depression?

Dosage is an extremely important factor in any psychedelic experience. Research has shown that a higher dose usually leads to more effectiveness in battling depression1. However, we see that too high a dose will lead to people not being able to fully remember what they experienced. Secondly, too high a dose and people will become so egoless that they don't even feel they exist anymore, which makes it hard to work on un-serving patterns. So we want to find the sweet spot for each individual. 

It is important to note here that psychedelics, unlike almost all other substances, cannot be dosed based on body weight. Each individual reacts differently to a dose. During the preparation process, we use a breathwork session to define how easily people can ‘let go’ and ‘dive in’. This has been an excellent indicator for us to define dosage. Secondly, we always make use of a booster-schedule. Meaning that we start off with a medium dose and after an hour, we decide together if it makes sense to dive in deeper and take a bit more. 

Is it dangerous to take magic mushrooms for depression?

Research is very clear on the fact that the toxicity of psychedelics is extremely low2. However, it is not without risks. Here are some factors to take into consideration:

  1. Psychological Effects: Psychedelics can cause intense changes in thoughts, emotions, and perceptions that can be overwhelming, particularly for those who are not prepared or are in an unsupportive environment. Without the right supervision, environment and mindset, individuals may experience anxiety, paranoia, or a disorienting experience known as a "bad trip."
  2. Mental Health Risks: Individuals with a personal or family history of psychiatric disorders, particularly psychosis, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, may be at risk of psychological disturbance. Those who are using antidepressants should also not use psychedelics as they are working on the same receptors on the brain and insufficient knowledge is available on how the two interact.
  3. Physical Safety: While psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD are not considered toxic and are unlikely to cause physical harm in healthy individuals, their altered state of consciousness can impair judgement and motor skills, leading to accidents or unsafe behaviours.
  4. Legal Issues: The legal status of psychedelics varies by country and, in many places, possessing, using, or distributing these substances can lead to legal consequences.
  5. Dependency and Abuse: Although psychedelics are generally not considered addictive in the same way as other drugs like opioids or stimulants, they can still be misused, and individuals may develop an unhealthy pattern of use.

For the full list of contra-indications for magic mushrooms, please see our Participant Agreement.

Interested in a psychedelic retreat? See our program here.

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Difference Between Ayahuasca and Psilocybin

Ayahuasca has become for the psychedelic experiences what Jeep is for terrain vehicles and Luxaflex is for window blinders. Other, similar psychedelics exist, one of which is Psilocybin, as found in magic mushrooms and magic truffles.

Ayahuasca and psilocybin are both powerful psychedelics renowned for their profound effects on consciousness and potential for personal transformation. Despite their different origins and cultural backgrounds, they share similarities in how they interact with the brain, yet they also possess distinct characteristics that influence their physical effects, legality, and overall experience.

Neurological Similarities

Both ayahuasca and psilocybin primarily exert their effects through the serotonin system. Ayahuasca's active compound, DMT, and psilocybin both bind to serotonin 2A receptors, which are believed to play a key role in their psychedelic effects. This interaction leads to altered perception, mood, and thought patterns, facilitating deep introspective experiences. Research suggests that these substances can enhance neural plasticity—making the brain more malleable and open to forming new connections and pathways, learning new things and allowing for significant shifts in perspective and behavior1.

Physical Effects and Experience

While ayahuasca and psilocybin share similar neurological mechanisms, their impact on the body and the nature of their experiences can differ markedly. Ayahuasca is known for its intense physical effects, including nausea and vomiting, often referred to as purging. This purging is considered by many cultures and users as an integral part of the experience, symbolizing the release of negative emotions and energies. In contrast, psilocybin, particularly in the form of magic truffles, tends to have milder physical effects, making it a softer option for those concerned about the intense bodily reaction associated with ayahuasca.

Legality, Accessibility, and Risks

The legal status of Ayahuasca varies worldwide, significantly affecting its accessibility. In many European countries, Ayahuasca is illegal due to its DMT content. However, in the Netherlands, magic truffles containing psilocybin are legal and readily available, offering a lawful alternative for those seeking psychedelic experiences. This legal distinction makes psilocybin truffles a popular choice in areas where Ayahuasca is not permitted.

When selecting a psychedelic retreat, it's crucial to consider how well it prepares participants and integrates their experiences. Proper preparation and integration are vital for reaching the core of the intended transformation and utilizing it positively. Lack of these elements can pose risks. Ayahuasca, like other psychedelics, can induce significant shifts in perception and understanding, which can be empowering and enriching. Without appropriate guidance, however, these shifts can also lead to confusion and depression. Our approach is informed by both experience and thorough research, emphasizing a personal touch aimed at achieving optimal results and comprehensive integration for lasting positive changes. Read more here about the strong influence set, setting and dosage have on the experience.

Impact and Transformation

Despite these differences, both ayahuasca and psilocybin offer powerful opportunities for personal growth and transformation. The depth and intensity of the experience with either substance can vary widely, depending heavily on the dosage, setting, and individual psychology. Ayahuasca may offer a more intense and physically challenging experience, often accompanied by profound visionary and emotional revelations. Psilocybin, while potentially offering a gentler physical experience, can still facilitate deep psychological insights and emotional breakthroughs, particularly at higher doses.

Ultimately, the choice between ayahuasca and psilocybin—or whether to use psychedelics at all—depends on personal preferences, legal considerations, and the goals of the individual seeking transformation. Both substances provide avenues for exploring the mind, healing emotional wounds, and fostering a deeper connection with the self and your environment, albeit through different paths. Get in touch for any help with this decision. 

  1. Calleja-Conde J, Morales-García JA, Echeverry-Alzate V, Bühler KM, Giné E, López-Moreno JA. Classic psychedelics and alcohol use disorders: A systematic review of human and animal studies. Addict Biol. 2022 Nov;27(6):e13229. doi: 10.1111/adb.13229. PMID: 36301215; PMCID: PMC9541961. ↩︎

How can Psychedelics boost leadership competence? The unparalleled results explained.

Navigating Modern Leadership Challenges

In the face of escalating complexities in the business world, leaders are required to embody a multifaceted skill set. Emotional intelligence and resilience, and an innovative and creative mindset are no longer just desirable - they have become prerequisites. 

The Emergence of Psychedelics in Leadership Development

It's increasingly acknowledged that psychedelics offer substantial opportunities for personal and professional transformation. Studies show that just one well-prepared psychedelic experience can significantly enhance cognitive flexibility, emotional depth and empathy, focus, and problem-solving abilities1. This isn’t just about experiencing an altered state; it's about unlocking a new level of skills.  When looking at our data, over 50% of our customers pay for the psychedelic experience via the companies they work for. We have seen the following ways in which psychedelics act as a catalyst for our work performance:

Unlock Creativity

Many participants come in with a feeling of having ‘lost ‘ their creativity or believing they simply are not creative. Psychedelics dissolve the barriers erected by our ego, revealing during the experience our inherent creative abilities. And it erases the doubts that clouds our self-perception. Participants often emerge from these experiences with a renewed belief in their creative potential and feeling more 'free' to explore this newfound ability. We become more self-aware, gaining a better grasp of our actions and thoughts, and the reasons behind them. It helps us live more authentically. Increased consciousness means an expanded state of awareness that goes beyond our usual perception limits. It's about a deeper understanding and connection with oneself and others. This expansion lets individuals tap into deeper levels of self-awareness, empathy and meaning.

Increase Empathy

The increase in empathy following psychedelic experiences has several benefits. We have fewer negative emotions towards others as we better understand why they act as they act. Decisions become more inclusive, reflecting a collective rather than individualistic viewpoint. It breaks down interpersonal barriers and hierarchies, leading to more effective collaboration and a culture where feedback is used constructively rather than defensively.

More Focus 

Psychedelics have the unique ability to anchor the mind in the present, cutting through the noise of distractions. This heightened state of awareness enables individuals to concentrate deeply on the task at hand, leading to significant improvements in the quality of work output. The ability to remain fully engaged with current challenges without the mind wandering to past regrets or future anxieties is a game-changer for efficiency and effectiveness in professional settings.

Conquering the Fear of Failure

By experiencing a state of ego dissolution, individuals gain a new perspective on their insecurities and learn to separate their self-worth from their successes and failures. This shift leads to a more resilient and daring approach to life in general and work in specific, encouraging innovation, autonomy and entrepreneurship, and the willingness to take calculated risks without the paralyzing fear of making mistakes or facing judgment.

Renewed Purpose

Psychedelics can provide individuals with a refreshed and better-understood sense of purpose. This renewed motivation and clarity about one's goals can dramatically reduce tendencies to procrastinate and drive a more engaged, goal-oriented, and satisfying approach to work.

Embracing psychedelic benefits in the workspace is not just about acknowledging their healing powers. It's a revolutionary step towards reimagining employee growth. By tapping into psychedelics to enhance creativity, empathy, concentration, and courage, businesses are setting the stage for a more inventive, united, and fulfilling workplace atmosphere.

Awayk's Holistic Approach

At Awayk, we embrace this potential and offer a safe, structured pathway into the realm of psychedelics, tailored for leaders. Our approach is science-based and complies with the highest legal and ethical standards, ensuring a transformative yet secure experience, fully customized. The journey includes thorough preparation, a carefully facilitated session, and a critical integration phase all fully customized for lasting impact. While Awayk’s services are a premium offering, the profound personal and professional transformations our clients experience are an unparalleled investment in their leadership journey. This commitment to excellence ensures that every aspect of your experience is of the highest quality, providing you with the tools and insights necessary for profound growth and development.

Why Psychedelics?

In a world where change is the only constant, leaders often seek fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to enhance their effectiveness. Psychedelics, approached with care and professional guidance, can be an invaluable tool. They pave the way for breakthroughs in understanding oneself, enhancing emotional intelligence, and fostering deeper connections within teams. The potential of psychedelics is unprecedented. 

An Invitation to Pioneers of Leadership

We encourage leaders exploring new avenues for growth and development to consider the unique possibilities of psychedelic experiences. Suppose your goal is to heighten your awareness, deepen self-understanding, enhance your emotional intelligence, increase creative thinking, or find innovative ways to connect with your team. In that case, Awayk is your partner on this transformative journey. 

Join us in exploring a new frontier in leadership development. Just pick up the phone and give us a call or just email us your question. 

Interested in a psychedelic retreat? See our program here.

  1. Teixeira PJ, Johnson MW, Timmermann C, Watts R, Erritzoe D, Douglass H, Kettner H, Carhart-Harris RL. Psychedelics and health behaviour change. J Psychopharmacol. 2022 Jan;36(1):12-19. doi: 10.1177/02698811211008554. Epub 2021 May 29. PMID: 34053342; PMCID: PMC8801670. ↩︎

Discover the transformative power of Ayahuasca during an Ayahuasca retreat, a sacred brew with deep roots in the Amazonian tradition, now sought after by many around the world for its unparalleled potential to heal and enlighten. Looking to delve into the mystique of an Ayahuasca retreat? Interested in uncovering its history, effects, and the profound experiences it can evoke?

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca, known as the vine of the soul, is a sacred brew with centuries-old roots in the Amazon rainforest, traditionally used by indigenous tribes for spiritual and healing ceremonies. Its name, combining Quechua words for spirit and vine, hints at its revered role as a spiritual connector. While the precise origins of Ayahuasca retreats are lost to history, evidence of its use dates back thousands of years, with archaeological finds suggesting its significance in ancient rituals1.In the mid-20th century, Ayahuasca retreats embarked on a journey beyond the Amazon, spurred by Western interest in psychedelics. This cultural exchange ushered Ayahuasca onto the global stage, captivating audiences worldwide. Today, it's recognized not only for its spiritual benefits but also for its potential in psychotherapy, treating conditions like depression and PTSD2. Despite varying legal statuses worldwide, Ayahuasca retreats continue to attract those seeking healing and spiritual insight, embodying a bridge between ancient traditions and modern therapeutic practices.

Why Ayahuasca?

People are drawn to Ayahuasca retreats for various reasons—spiritual exploration, emotional healing, or simply the quest for a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. 

Ayahuasca is renowned for its ability to dissolve the ego, enabling a profound connection with the subconscious. This process allows individuals to step beyond their normal self-awareness, accessing insights and emotions usually hidden. Such experiences are crucial for understanding and transforming behaviours, thought patterns, and emotional responses. 

Ayahuasca offers a journey that can profoundly impact one's perspective, uncovering insights and facilitating healing that many find transformative and can lead to significant, lasting changes in one’s life, fostering a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. Research also points to Ayahuasca's potential in promoting neuroplasticity, suggesting it can help forge new neural pathways, making it particularly interesting for treating conditions like depression and PTSD3. In summary, Ayahuasca's value lies in its profound capacity to initiate deep, transformative shifts in how one perceive themselves and the world around them.

How Long Does Ayahuasca Last?

An experience during an Ayahuasca retreat can vary greatly, with ceremonies typically spanning between 4 to 8 hours. However, it's important to note that during a psychedelic journey, the perception of time can become highly relative, with moments feeling like they stretch far beyond the clock's measure. This altered perception of time deepens the intensity and impact of the experience, allowing for profound introspection and emotional exploration. The journey, therefore, transcends the mere duration of its effects, often having a lasting impact on one's life. I would describe my own experience and that of other participants as pivotal in fostering transformative shifts that extend far beyond the time spent under the influence of the brew. It had the ability to reveal what was hidden and enable me to navigate through these sometimes challenging emotions. Being shown to me in many colors and geometric symbols, dreamlike visions, and bodily feelings. In moments there was the feeling of all-knowing, understanding the whole without the words. 

The journey, however, is not just about the duration of the effects but the long-lasting impact it has on my and many others' lives, often described as opening a new chapter in personal growth and understanding.

What is Ayahuasca Made Of?

Ayahuasca's transformative power comes from a carefully crafted mix of two primary ingredients. The first is the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, abundant in harmala alkaloids like harmine and harmaline, which act as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). These MAOIs are pivotal, preventing the breakdown of certain neurotransmitters, thereby setting the stage for the brew's psychoactive effects.

The second key component is the leaves of the Psychotria viridis plant, containing N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a potent psychedelic compound. Under normal circumstances, DMT would be neutralized by enzymes in the digestive system, but the MAOIs from the vine inhibit these enzymes, allowing the DMT to enter the bloodstream and reach the brain, where it induces intense visionary states.

Creating Ayahuasca involves boiling these ingredients together for hours, if not days, to extract the active substances. This process is a testament to the sophisticated understanding indigenous peoples have of the Amazon's flora. The resulting brew is more than just a mixture of plant extracts; it's a carefully balanced concoction that has been refined over generations to unlock profound experiences of insight and connection.

What is an Ayahuasca Retreat?

Ayahuasca retreats typically operate in a group setting with multiple guides, accommodating anywhere from six to over twenty participants. These psychedelic retreats follow a structured format that begins with participants arriving, getting acquainted, and then engaging in the first ceremony. Due to the varying durations of individual experiences, reflections and discussions about these experiences usually take place the following morning.

The second day often features a morning activity, such as yoga or meditation, followed by breakfast and a sharing session. The afternoon might offer free time or scheduled mindful activities like breathwork, additional yoga, or group meditation. The third day is centered around another ceremony, mirroring the structure of the first. The final day usually includes a sharing session and a communal closing activity, such as a lunch, hike, or swimming.

The length of Ayahuasca retreats can vary significantly, from weekend retreats to longer stays exceeding multiple weeks, with ceremonies typically held every other day or even every day. It's been observed that preparation and integration are crucial aspects often missing in these ceremonies. Given the profound impact of the experiences, both are essential for a meaningful and safe journey.

What Happens at an Ayahuasca Retreat?

Ayahuasca retreats often commence with a brief ritual in which participants light a candle and vocalize their intentions. Following the consumption of the Ayahuasca brew, participants retire to their prepared spaces to begin their journey. The experience can be quite physical; a bucket is placed beside each bed for vomiting, symbolizing the purging of negative energies. Temporary non-entheogenic effects of Ayahuasca, such as tremors, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, are primarily caused by the harmala alkaloids in the brew.

The entheogenic experience itself is unparalleled. Despite individual differences, commonalities emerge, such as interactions with an entity—often referred to as "Mother Aya"—that imparts wisdom and guidance. While nausea can be unpleasant, purging is frequently described as relieving, deepening the psychedelic experience. Ayahuasca visuals are often characterized by vibrant, geometric patterns. Participants may confront fears and experience feelings of completeness and ultimate satisfaction. As the effects diminish and time perception normalizes, a relaxed state typically ensues. Since experiences vary in duration, organized sharing sessions are usually held the day after to discuss these profound journeys. 

Interestingly enough, Ayahuasca and Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) share many similar effects. One difference is that Psilocybin is often accompanied by less struggle and is without the vomiting that is so common with Ayahuasca. Read more about this and related topics in our other blogs. The programs at Awayk are based on science and place great emphasis on set and setting, mutual trust, preparation, and guided integration of insights into daily life.

Further Reading

Expand Your Understanding of Ayahuasca

Diving deeper into the world of Ayahuasca can broaden your perspective and enrich your knowledge on this complex topic. Here’s a condensed guide to further reading, listening, and watching resources that will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Ayahuasca's cultural, spiritual, and therapeutic dimensions.

Reading Recommendation:

- "The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge" by Jeremy Narby. This book offers an intriguing exploration of the intersections between indigenous Amazonian shamanism and modern science. Narby's research sheds light on the potential origins of knowledge within the DNA of all living things, providing an insightful backdrop to the understanding of Ayahuasca's profound effects on consciousness.

Listening Suggestion:

- The Third Wave Podcast. Specifically, look for episodes featuring guests discussing Ayahuasca. This podcast delves into the responsible use of psychedelics for personal and cultural transformation. Episodes featuring Ayahuasca provide firsthand accounts, scientific insights, and explorations into its therapeutic potential, offering listeners a well-rounded view of Ayahuasca's place in modern society.

Watching Recommendation:

- "The Reality of Truth." This documentary film explores the rich tapestry of spiritual traditions around the world, with a significant focus on Ayahuasca. It examines how altered states of consciousness, achieved through practices like meditation and the use of Ayahuasca, can lead to profound insights and healing. Featuring interviews with thought leaders and practitioners, it’s a visually engaging way to understand the transformative power of Ayahuasca.

Each of these resources approaches Ayahuasca from a different angle, providing a well-rounded foundation for anyone interested in learning more about this sacred brew. Whether you're drawn to the scientific, spiritual, or therapeutic aspects, you'll find valuable insights to deepen your understanding and appreciation of Ayahuasca's place in the world.


  1. Malcolm BJ, Lee KC. Ayahuasca: An ancient sacrament for treatment of contemporary psychiatric illness? Ment Health Clin. 2018 Mar 23;7(1):39-45. doi: 10.9740/mhc.2017.01.039. PMID: 29955496; PMCID: PMC6007657 ↩︎
  2. Gonçalves J, Luís Â, Gallardo E, Duarte AP. A Systematic Review on the Therapeutic Effects of Ayahuasca. Plants (Basel). 2023 Jul 7;12(13):2573. doi: 10.3390/plants12132573. PMID: 37447135; PMCID: PMC10346174 ↩︎
  3. de Vos CMH, Mason NL, Kuypers KPC. Psychedelics and Neuroplasticity: A Systematic Review Unraveling the Biological Underpinnings of Psychedelics. Front Psychiatry. 2021 Sep 10;12:724606. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.724606. PMID: 34566723; PMCID: PMC8461007 ↩︎